

It's been a year! Our first real post (the first with food in it) went up exactly one year ago!

Since then, we have participated in numerous blog events, becomming more or less regulars on Paper Chef, as well as full-blooded daring kitcheneers (both bakers and cooks). Jenny even won Paper Chef with this recipe!

We've also learned a lot of new stuff, most memorable to us is the art of making and lovingly devour macarons, how to put our ice cream maker to good use and the virtues of steaming over boiling *insert favorite food stuff here*.

In total we racked up 132 posts during the year, which is about one every three days (!), much due to vigorous posing in the beginning. Curiously enough, there's a negative correlation between the number of posts in a month and the number of visitors in that month: the more posts the fewer visitors. Probably has something to do with the vigorous posting in the beginning and the brand build-up over time :-)

Since we didn't add Google Analytics until a bit later we don't have statistics for the whole year, but on the other hand, we didn't have many visitors in the beginning either, so just think of this as one years worth of statistics!

We had 2,539 absolute unique visitors, which is more than we ever dreamed of achieving, thank you all, and especially those of you who actually return! That some just drop by for a short visit never to return again is evident from the fact that we had a grand total of
3,857 visits, so some of you had to return to make those two numbers agree.

Some people got to our blog by searching for something, and if you typed
"black cherry ice cream recipe" in the Google search field, you're really trend sensitive, that's our top search phrase. Weirdly enough, you don't end up on the most popular page (excluding the front page) with that search phrase. The most popular page was Berries in fizzy jelly.

For a long time, our typical visitor was a Swede running Firefox on a Windows machine, but for the whole year, Americans are now more numerous than Swedes. Still running Firefox on a Windows machine though. The year has also seen some technological breakthroughs as well, some people reached our blog on their iPhones, one even through a Playstation 3! (If you have any experience viewing the blog on a small (hand held) device, please let us know if it looks awful, or at least if it looks awfuller than other similar sites.)

So, there you have it! Happy blogoversery to us, and please come again (both you, our esteemed visitor, and blogoverseries)!

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